the highest quality HORSE SUPPLEMENT in the world

Thanks to a superior design, your race horses will instantly feel the effects. Our unique formula allows your horse to utilize all of its stored energy.

Supplements For The World Class Race Horse
A Pre-Race Formula

our one thing

With only one thing in mind, Caballon has set out to be the best race horse supplement manufacturer in the world. With all of our resources dedicated to one supplement specifically designed for race horses. That’s our “one thing”!

Energy Production

Race horses are exposed to intensive physical strain. In order to maintain the energy demands, the equestrian must consume key essential food supplements. The supplements in our unique blend could be classified into three large groups: Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids. Those ingredients banned by the U.S. Equestrian are not used. 

Achieve a performance goal much quicker. With just a single sample size, you will notice improved strength, endurance, exercise efficiency, and increased tolerance for more intense racing.

There are dozens of supplements for athletic horses on the market, but not all of them are the same. Our formula enhances muscle growth and aids endurance. 

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